Start of yoga log

Throughout August I really want to focus on building a yoga practice based on continuity. I have dabbled in yoga over the past few years but have never been particularly consistent, mainly because I didn't give myself the time during a day to do yoga and the yoga I had followed along with I didn't find interesting.

 However, over the past few days I have allowed myself to be more creative within my practice and have seen vast improvements in my energy levels during the mornings. I have recently found a yoga instructor on youtube called Ali Kamenova and I find her classes perfect for what I want! Although some of it I find extremely difficult I think about what I want out of the class and do what feels good for my own body, of course everybody is totally different so what I want to focus on releasing or strengthening might be completely different to another person. I do more vinyasa flow yoga during the mornings as I feel like it really wakes me up and gives me so much more energy and a more positive start to the morning. Just over these past few days yoga isn't a chore at all and I feel really excited and passionate to begin my practice. During the evenings I love to do much more meditative, yin style yoga to really open up certain parts of my body . If I have time I will end with some meditation which I would love to explore and get into more later on.

I did dance for about 10 years of my life but quit a few months ago as I wasn't enjoying it and found myself to be very self critical during classes, I don't think mentally it was very healthy to me personally and I wasn't in the best of places, perhaps I will continue in a few months but for now I'm really enjoying the place I'm in and feel like I have finally found something that I really feel passionate about. Through dance I am still reasonably strong in my legs and core but my upper body is quite weak so I am going to focus on that. My hamstrings are quite flexible but I think I had a lot of bad habits when it came to stretching for dance and I think I let my hamstrings over-compensate for my very inflexible hips and inner thighs, so this is mainly what I want to focus on opening, along with some neck and upper back work.

Obviously I'm not telling anybody that they absoulutely have to start a yoga practice but I think if you have been struggling to find some form of movement that you enjoy or find inspiring and would like to, yoga might be a good form to try. Like me, it may take research and trying out a few different forms of yoga but once you are enjoying what you are doing it really makes a difference in your mood and other aspects of your life. I'm going to try and do weekly updates of my progress or if I have some sort of breakthrough during my practice to try and track my progress so I can look back and see what I have achieved.

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